Friends and Family: Yvon Rhode

In the next months i will present short introductions of friends and our family members here on this blog. The start comes von Yvon Rhode - a long time friend of me:

Yvon was born and raised in a well-to-do family, received top education which came to a sudden halt during her second year at the university when her dad’s company went bankrupt. No servants and maids, on a very low budget living in a cheap apartment, her parents deceased within a year.
Without any financial support  Yvon accepted a job as teacher at a high class boarding school for young ladies where she stayed for a number of rather pleasant years. It was at that time that she met Redath Pearle and a few of her staff, Rose and Lina, at Redath’s  Institute.
When one of her distant aunts died, she inherited a substantial sum, which allowed Yvon to stop with her job, much to the chagrin of many of her riper pupils…. She is now 43, an attractive classy lady, always perfectly dressed. Being wealthy, she could afford to take up long distance sailing, and usually travel throughout the year visiting interesting places and lady friends. It was during one of these recent journeys that she met her old friend Redath again, who revealed that she had married Tack Fadel, stopped with her work as orthodontist, and closed the Institute.
Recently Yvon had the pleasure in meeting Redath’s daughter Debbie (here raising the eyebrows almost unnoticeable), her protégée Anna, and very briefly only, her tastefully dressed, delightful and well behaved daughter Maria.
Yvon has no fixed abode, but when not staying with friends, lives in the ‘Pink Lady’, a small but luxury yacht which is her pride and joy, normally moored at the Nantucket Yacht Club, if not sailing.
