Some months ago i post a bit about my daughter Christine and her treatments. One part inbetween i forget to mention. Christine had a special wheelchair for some time, actually it were three months or a bit more until she get the thomas splint device.
At that time we had nice walk on a sunday outside. Christine did enjoy it a bit, besides she was of course a bit shy of her apperance.
First we had some fresh air outside, but i was not so amused walking around in the grass and mud in my highheels, even in the Wheelchair Christine had to use always it was not very nice. We did vist a museum then.
With the special glasses Christine had to wear, it was difficult to get a good view from the pictues that were shown in the exibiton, as it was indoor, i could open the sunglasses that were attached ontop of her special glasses, but it was still difficult for her. I described the art as good as possible for her.
We also had a look at the gift shop of the museum. That was the time when Christine asked me to check her ilesotomy pouch. We left the muesum and i looked for a empty place, where no other people may see that i had to change her waste bag.
It was a sunny day, so after that chage we had a nice talk outside, and both enjoyed the sun a bit.
More of Christine and others soon on this blog.
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