How to reduce the belly - a different aproach

If you look further in this Blog, you will find the medical diagnosis of Christine. It was time to begin her treatment. The final goal is to make her good looking young woman. A long way will have to be managed to reach this. We start with some special treatment recently. Christine was placed in a special tank, that contains some fluid that moves through the skin into her belly and reduce the water that was making it look big.

As this fluid need space to do it work. Christine had to wear for this treat ment a special mask, and attached to it was a rebreather, that supplies her with the air she needs. Further on as she could not left the tank, she was diapered. and her arms were tied to the special chair she was laying in.

Further on she was feeded through a special tube that was connected to a needle in her belly, directly connected through the stomach.

Christine had to stay in this tank for three weeks. As her apperance might be disgusting for visitors she was placed in a special room in our house, isolated from the rest, through thick milky windows. For some special visitors i placed a chair in that room, to give her some company.
