You remember our male maid? In 2014 it was time to let her out of her regression therapy, where she was treated like a toddler, while still beeing a adult of course. She was introdruced to a long time friend, that take her out in next weeks, dressed in pretty dresses to some walks (nothing naughty of course as this would be not good for her education at this phase). Physically she was still a complete male. But her hair has of course be changed and dyed. Earlier her body hair was removed, and her skin were be treated to be more pale.
Two picutres where our former male maid, spent her time with recently married Christine. First one at our home, second one somwhere outside. Christine had to wear a full burqa at that time, what was requested by her husband, as he did not want to know how ugly she looks under that.
Two picutres where our former male maid, spent her time with recently married Christine. First one at our home, second one somwhere outside. Christine had to wear a full burqa at that time, what was requested by her husband, as he did not want to know how ugly she looks under that.
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